In order for your refrigerator to serve you efficiently, all its components must work properly. If one are all of these components break down, you need to repair the refrigerator for it to work properly. There are several signs that indicate your fridge needs servicing.
High Temperatures
Although a refrigerator produces heat like any other machine, it is a bad sign if the refrigerator gets too hot. Too much heat is indicative of problems with the condenser.…
During extreme weather conditions such as winter and summer, a good air conditioning system can come in handy in making your home or office comfortable. A split air conditioner can give you the comfort you need. The split system has two units — the indoor unit or cool side usually located inside your home and the outdoor or condensing unit usually located outside your home. The outdoor unit houses the expansion coil, condenser coil and the compressor.…
When done properly, round ductwork can last you longer, but there is a knack to installing it correctly in your HVAC system. Read on for some top tips to installing round ductwork.
Tip #1 – Install dampers at all registers
When you add heat runs to your basement, you may find that this changes the airflow in the ductwork. You should therefore install dampers in each register, close enough to the register to enable you to reach them via the register opening.…