Chances are, you don’t give much thought to how you operate your home’s air conditioning system, that is, until you see the monthly electric bill! Your home’s system might also break down and need repairs much sooner than it should, if you’re not using it properly. Note a few factors to consider when it comes to how you operate your air conditioner so you know you’re not overworking it and will keep it running optimally through the summer season.…
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Your air conditioner refrigerant is the all-important chemical substance that absorbs heat from the hot indoor air drawn into the air conditioning system, to release cool air from the supply vents. The refrigerant is usually located inside the evaporator coils of the AC equipment and it changes form between liquid and gaseous state, hence explaining the potential for leaking to occur. As a homeowner who wants to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures during the hot sunny days of the year, you will not get efficient cooling service from your air conditioning system if you are running low on refrigerant.…
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For most neurotypical children, homework is a boring but doable task. For children with ADHD, just sitting down in front of a book can be enough of a struggle. When you add the need to focus on work to the mix, homework can be a nightmare for children and parents alike. One of the best ways to make sure homework gets done is to create a space that’s conducive to learning.…
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