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How Should You Prepare For Air Conditioning Servicing?

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Increased electricity bills, weird noises and insufficient cool air at home are some of the main reasons for seeking air conditioning repairs. This often occurs if a homeowner doesn't service their system regularly after the air conditioning installation is successfully done by an HVAC contractor. Regular maintenance is required if you want to maintain a cool and comfy home, and it should be done by a licenced and experienced technician.

How do you prepare for air conditioning servicing to ensure the process is smooth and fast? Below are steps you should take before the AC maintenance expert gets home.

Record the unit's model number

The air conditioning unit's number is designed to tell the HVAC contractor more about the system and will help them in troubleshooting the system. The unit could be experiencing a common problem that's known for that model. So, rather than waiting for the expert to check, consider writing down the model numbers of all AC systems in your home. The information is usually found on the sticker that's placed at the corner of the cooling unit.

Make sure the unit is reachable

If the AC unit is installed outdoors, ensure that it is easily accessible. Get rid of any debris and trim shrubs that may prevent the servicing technician from having an easy time accessing the system. In case you have an indoor unit, be sure to remove the furniture or other items so that the pathway is cleared beforehand.

Ask for the landlord's consent

In case you don't own the house, talk to your landlord before servicing the air conditioner. Perhaps they already have a contractor who has been handling the maintenance or repairs and can provide some recommendations. Moreover, the landlord should pay for the service or repair charges if the air conditioning system doesn't belong to you. If you have to handle the issue yourself, give the landlord details of the servicing firm, and the day and time the technician will come, so the pro can be allowed into the property in your absence.

Give a thorough explanation of the problem

When the technician gets home, be sure to provide a detailed explanation regarding the condition of the unit. Is there are a problem, and when did it start? Have you noticed some changes lately? The more the information you provide, the easier it will be for the contractor to determine the actual problem and offer the required repairs, if need be.

For more information on ducted reverse cycle air conditioning, contact your local HVAC company.
